Assembling a Ride-on Toy: 42 Avoidable Steps

I need this to be easier. I need a babysitter. I’m sweating.” Toy assembly is underway, friends.

I feel almost guilty perched nearby, legs kicked up on a bench and a glass of pinot grigio in hand, while my husband hauls 60 lbs of parts out of a giant box. Plastic pieces, hardware and instructions litter the garage floor. Our daughter, Arabella, dances precariously around the tools. She had the whole garage to play in, but dad’s personal space was obviously most appealing.

Raise a glass for toy assembly
It’s a fun game, watching my husband put together our new battery operated ride-on toy. If toy assembly was a drinking game where I counted grunts, I’d be feeling pretty good.
Bella is having the time of her life. She interrupts dad every few minutes for help with her helmet or to snatch the part he needs. Not to mention listening to “What doing?” on repeat. I could add that phrase to my make-believe drinking game.

42 steps are avoidable
Toy assembly started earlier in the day on our front lawn. Bella couldn’t wait to drive her new Beep-beep. After the long-awaited unboxing, dad pulled out the instruction manual. “There’s 42 steps!” he said, aghast at the task ahead.

So, we boxed it back up and moved it to the garage to be attacked later at night.

For most ride-on toys there are tons of parts that need to remain accounted for throughout 42 steps. Let me be the first to warn parents of a toddler—those pieces disappear.

Missing pieces. Illogical steps. Putting on a wheel before reading the instructions (cough, cough – dad), then having to take 5 things off and re-attach the wheel. These are just a few of the struggles with ride-on assembly.

Weekends hours are precious
Hours later, the dune racer was finished. Bella gabbed about the hot pink steering wheel and squealed with delight when her foot reached the pedal. Unfortunately, excitement turned to disappointment when we said she had to wait 18 hours for the battery to charge. My mommy heart just broke! And truly, I was just as disappointed. It’s kind of a let down to go through all that work to wait. Car assembly was practically an all day affair.

Friends, I know you’re busy. Don’t waste your precious weekend hours assembling toys and charging batteries. Let us bring the car to you, fully charged and clean. You can play with it for your selected rental period and we will take it off your hands when you’re finished. From one busy mom to another, you’ll be glad it’s one less thing to take care of, store, and maintain.

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About Me

Lacy is a Minnesnowta native, wife to Dan, toddler wrangler, corporate American by day and entrepreneur by night. A lover of cars, she knows the only way she’ll ever have a Lamborghini is when it’s pint-sized. Enter Beep-beeps, a powered wheels rental business evolved from her passion for cars, kids, and dreams of a sustainable future.

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